Inspire Robotics – Brookhouse, Kenya

On March 23, 2024, Brookhouse School Runda hosted the Inspire Robotics Challenge, organized by Stemtrix EA. STEMlens Network proudly participated in this exciting event, showcasing our robotics skills and creativity across various facets of the competition.

Core Values

The competition emphasized Core Values, evaluated during the Robot Game matches, Innovation Project, and Robot Design presentations. Our team excelled in:

  • Teamwork and Discovery: Collaborating effectively to explore the challenge.
  • Innovation: Developing new ideas for our robot and project.
  • Impact and Inclusiveness: Demonstrating how our solutions positively affect the community.
  • Celebration: Enjoying every aspect of the competition.

Robot Design

Our team prepared a comprehensive explanation of our Robot Design, programs, and strategy, focusing on:

  • Mission Strategy: Identifying the best approach to tackle the missions.
  • Work Plan: Designing the robot and programs based on our strategy.
  • Creation and Testing: Building, iterating, and testing our robot and coding solutions.
  • Communication: Presenting our Robot Design process, programs, and solutions.

Robot Game

In the Robot Game, our team had three 2.5-minute matches to complete as many missions as possible. Our approach included:

  • Mission Models: Building and setting up mission models on the mat.
  • Rules Review: Understanding and following the competition rules.
  • Robot Design and Build: Creating a functional robot.
  • Practice: Enhancing building and coding skills through practice.
  • Competition: Competing with other teams in a fun and challenging environment.

Innovation Project

For the Innovation Project, our team prepared a 5-minute presentation detailing our innovative solution to a real-world problem. Our steps were:

  • Problem Identification and Research: Finding and studying a problem to solve.
  • Solution Design: Creating a solution to help our community.
  • Prototype Creation: Developing a model or prototype of our solution.
  • Feedback and Iteration: Sharing ideas, collecting feedback, and refining our solution.
  • Presentation: Effectively communicating our solution at the event.

The Inspire Robotics Challenge provided an excellent platform for our STEMlens Network team to demonstrate their skills and creativity while learning valuable lessons in STEAM, AI, and Computer Science. The event highlighted the importance of teamwork, innovation, and problem-solving, aligning perfectly with our mission to inspire and educate the next generation of tech leaders.

  • Inspire Robotics
  • Brookhouse School, Runda, Kenya
  • March 23, 2024
  • ,

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